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Motorhome Detailing: The Best Practices For Best Results

Regular detailing will help keep any vehicle looking and running it’s best, and motor homes are no exception. Whether you’re new to the hobby or new to doing your detailing work at home, we have everything you need to know to get the job done right.

Motorhome detailing, like detailing for any other vehicle, includes thorough interior and exterior cleaning, in addition to any minor repairs and maintenance work needed. Starting from the top down, these are the steps that a motorhome detailer will go through:

Roof Cleaning

The roof of an RV or motorhome is usually the part that collects the most dirt and grime. Most roofs are flat, which means they’re more prone to collecting dust, and of course, they spend a lot of time outside, under trees, and in the elements.

When preparing to clean your roof, it’s best to know what material you will be working with. Is the roof fiberglass, a rubber membrane, or something else? Each different material needs a different kind of care, so make sure you know what you need before you start.

Fiberglass, for example, is prone to oxidation. If your roof looks chalky you’ll likely need a strong cleaner and fiberglass stain remover. If the roof is a rubber membrane, you’ll want to keep an eye out for dry rot.

You can use a pressure washer, a hose with a brush attachment, or wash mitts on the roof of your motorhome. If you opt to hand-wash the roof, make sure you know it will support your full weight. It’s also best to invest in non-slip knee pads so you don’t slide off the roof.

While you’re up there, if you have an air conditioning unit on the roof, remember to clean that and make any repairs necessary.

Exterior Wash

After cleaning the roof, the next step is to wash the entire exterior of the motorhome. Again, this can be done several different ways, including hand-washing, using a pressure washer, or with a “dry” wash product. Whatever you decide to use, as always, make sure the product is safe for the specific material it will be used on.

Wash the entire exterior, including bumpers, fenders, and glass.

Bug, Tar, and Sap Removal

After you’ve gotten the exterior of your motorhome shining and clean, it’s time to remove any sticky substances that simple washing won’t. Most of this will be bug and tar splatter, but will sometimes also include removing sap from the roof.

The best way to clean these substances off your motorhome is with bug and tar remover and an automotive mitt. You can gently scratch hardened grime off with a fingernail if the wash mitt it’s enough.

Washing the roof and front of the motorhome regularly will help make it easier to clean, since it won’t give any sticky spots the chance to harden.

Clean the Awnings

If your motorhome has awnings you will also need to open them up and clean them. Make sure you always use a product made specifically for the awning’s material. You’ll need something strong enough to clean away all pollen, dust, and sap that might have built up, but gentle enough not to damage any paint or discolor the fabric.

Clean the Tires

Since you’re working from the top down while cleaning the motorhome, the tires will be the last thing you wash. This can be done with a simple sponge and tire cleaner.

Don’t forget to clean the wheels too. You may find that you need to use more bug and tar remover on these areas, and around the wheel hub.

Exterior Wax

After the entire outside of the motorhome has been detailed and cleaned, it’s time to wax the body. As always, make sure you use a wax that won’t damage the siding. You can either find wipe-on-and-buff-off wax, or spray-on-and-wipe-off varieties, depending on your needs.

Interior Detailing

Finally, it’s time to get the inside in good enough shape to match the outside. To detail the interior of your motorhome, you’ll typically clean carpets, seats, cup holders, vents, crevices, and any other surfaces. Don’t forget any odor removal that needs to be done, and flushing the water lines and tanks.

We hope this list has given you all the tools you need to understand best practices for motorhome detailing! You can use this as a guide for DIY detailing or as a way to double-check the work of your professional RV detailer.

Don’t have a professional detailer for your RV yet? Emerald Mobile Detail has years of specialized experience working on a variety of materials and can guarantee a thorough job that takes care of everything your motorhome needs.